Latest Jobs California Mesothelioma Lawyers Needed
asbestos exposure in California is a serious problem that can lead to the development of mesothelioma and related diseases. A local lawyer can help you get compensation to pay for treatments and hold companies accountable for their negligence.
Some of the most prominent job sites where asbestos exposure occurred are listed below. You can also find information about California laws that specifically deal with mesothelioma and asbestos. We list top law firms that have handled cases for mesothelioma victims as well as sample mesothelioma settlements that have been obtained for California residents. We also provide information about the statute of limitations for filing claims in California.

Contact Brayton Purcell LLP today to receive:

  • Over 30 years of experience fighting for individuals like you.
  • An expansive support team, including in-house investigators, ready to hear your story and build your case.
  • Dedication to personally pursuing your case expeditiously through trial.
  • Nationwide representation – we will help you no matter where you are located.
  • A track record of proven success.

Occupational Asbestos Exposure in California

Given the size of California, the state has implemented two separate sets of safety regulations to protect citizens from naturally occurring asbestos, which is found in at least 45 of the state’s 58 counties. These laws, known as Asbestos Airborne Toxic Control Measures (ATCMs), apply to two different classes of activity:
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